What I've already done
I started raising peafowl two years ago. I did a lot of research on the internet and found a design for a pen. I took an old 10 x 10 Ft dog run and added a roof. I then added a 400 sq Ft aviary attached to it.
This I made out of 8ft posts, 2 x 4s, welded wire and aviary netting. Add a couple extra boards, some pvc piping to hold up the netting and I was all set.
I found a breeder here in Kentucky and purchase my first trio. Georgie is the male India Blue, Lucia is the India Blue hen and I also got Mapp a purple hen. None of these have the black shoulder gene but they are all beautiful and very colorful...Even the hens.
That year Lucia laid 4 eggs and hatched them just fine.
The following year I added another 10 x 10 dog run with a roof to the other end of the aviary. I went back and purchased Major Benji a 2 year old purple male.
I split my two pairs the blues on one side and the purples on the other. That year only Lucia had chicks. Since then Mapp (purple hen) has laid but not set on any eggs. A friend took some of the eggs and put them under a chicken and hatched 2 chicks for me. I tried to hatch some eggs but with little success.
I kept one of the purple chicks that turned out to be a male and he's with the blue pair. Since this is his second summer he's not got any tail feathers yet but he is starting to display like the "big" boys. It's cute but he won't be able to stay much longer as Georgie doesn't really like having him in his pen.
Waiting for spring and egg laying to start.
We have alot of them here in Florida. They live in rural areas and they make alot of noise. They sound like babies crying.
What is the "black shoulder" gene? If they have that does that make them better or worse? Better or worse how? Your birds are beautiful. Viv
Black Shoulder refers to the gene that makes the wing pattern solid black instead of the "barred" look. (the strippy look on the wings when they're folded back)
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